- Provides plants with nutrients.
- Regulates the penetration of nutrients into plants.
- Promotes seedlings rooting and strong root system development.
- Promotes plant growth.
- Increases productivity and improves fruit quality.
- Increases plant resistance to unfavourable growth conditions.
- Promotes regeneration of weakened plants.
Use. (1) Use in combination with a GreenOK sprayer. Attach sprayer to a water supply hose and spray plants until leaves are completely wet.
Or (2) dilute 50 ml of concentrate with 10L of water and mix.
Water plants and soil once every 2 weeks.
NPK 4.2-3-7.5
Total nitrogen (N) 4,2%
Total phosphorus (P2O5) 3%
Total potassium (K2O) 7.5%
Humidity 77.8%
Organic matter 7.5%
Reaction pH 5-7